Coors Light

ESPN LiveConnect

ESPN LiveConnect combines the emotion of sports fans with data to deliver the right message to the right fans at the right time.

We partnered with Coors Light to be one of the first advertisers to utilize this new technology in beta phase. Their ads delivered custom pre-game, in-game and post-game messaging in real time to NBA-specific fans based on the outcome of the games.

The results revealed a 16% lift in consideration, with an average clickthrough rate of 10% - a 400% increase over the industry average of 2% - demonstrating the effectiveness of emotion based targeting x creative personalization.


Data driven ad units delivered tailored messaging to sports fans, utilizing ESPN's LiveConnect platform

Pre-Game Countdown Clock / Desktop

Pre-Game Countdown Clock / 300x250

In-Game Real-Time Messaging / 300x250

Post-Game Live Results Messaging / 300x250